Sunday, November 29, 2015

Carols by Candlelight : Friday, December 18th

Join us for our second annual Carols by Candlelight from 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Sing with your friends and neighbours and the Toronto Choral Society Children's Choir at the fire pit in the park. Enjoy some hot chocolate and seasonal stories too! Hope to see you there.

Brought to you by R+D - and Friends of Withrow Park

Withrow Park Skating Rink Opening Day
 Scheduled for December 5th

Here is an update from Paula Fletcher about the rink and opening day:

Skating Rink Update - Flood Impact

I received notice this week that the opening of Withrow Park's skating rink is going to be delayed this year due to a late fall flood. The new scheduled opening date is: Saturday December 5th....
The flood damaged the refrigeration system, including all electrical and plumbing components. Asbestos was also discovered. Due to this health hazard, all insulation had to be removed which added 3 weeks to the repair timeline. Unfortunately, as part of the work the staff found that the high pressure amonia pipe had rotted and it needs to be welded and inspected prior to the start of ice making.

For the 2015-16 season, Parks, Forestry and Recreation will be extending the public closing time from 6pm to 7:45pm on Sunday evenings.

The delay in opening is disappointing, but it's important that the rink is safe for use when it opens. The good news is - the entire rink is being replaced with a new upgraded facility in 2017.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Community Safety Walk in Withrow Park

Tuesday, November 17th 6:30pm

Join 55 Division Crime Prevention Officer Jon Morrice, Parks Staff, and community members at the Field House (building with yellow pillars), to discuss your concerns and ideas for safety improvements in the park.

We have some other events in the works too. Carols by Candlelight will return once again in December.  And we will be hosting our annual skating party in the New Year. The dates will be announced soon.

Our park has become so animated and vibrant. Have you ever thought of helping out the Friends of Withrow park?  We need some volunteers to help us keep all of these activities going. Email us at and we can find a task that will suit you!