Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Community Picnic- Sunday, August 31st at 6pm

Celebrate the end of Summer with a community picnic at the north end of Withrow Park.  Bring your blanket and dinner to the park on Sunday, August 31st at 6pm.

Come early and participate in the all ages drama workshop offered by Shakespeare in the Ruff at 5pm.  The workshop is free but registration is required at young_ruffians@shakespeareintheruff.com.

Stay after you have eaten to enjoy the final performance of Cymbeline by Shakespeare in the Ruff at Withrow.  Music begins at 7pm and performance at 7:30.  PWYC.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Dusk Dances Returns!

On August 4th Dusk Dances returns to Withrow Park for performances until August 10.  Dusk Dances celebrates its 20 year anniversary by including a special performance of "Incandescent" which features dancers and singers from our own community.  Dance workshops start at 6 and the musical performance begins at 7.  Come out for a great Withrow tradition.

If you really want to get a different perspective on the evening consider volunteering at Dusk Dances.        Contact volunteer@duskdances.ca for more information.